The ChallengeStruggling to stay connected
Just like the rest of the world, Motlow State initially switched to online learning in the wake of the pandemic. But after struggling with web conferencing software for several semesters, Motlow realized they needed a better way to increase engagement and facilitate meaningful discussions for their students.
“I was dissatisfied with some of the gaps in our existing web conferencing software,” recalls Jenna Caviezel, Associate Professor of English and Writing Center Director at Motlow State. “There were things I could do in my physical brick and mortar classrooms that I just couldn’t find a way to do on that tool. One of my biggest challenges was encouraging peer discussion. But I knew it had to be possible, and I wasn’t ready to abandon the modality of synchronous online learning.”
The SolutionEnhancing the online learning experience

Image provided by Motlow State
Motlow State discovered that using Class in place of their existing web conferencing tool could take their online courses to the next level. “I could not have been more pleasantly surprised by how fantastically Class went in the very first semester,” exclaims Jenna.
“For the first time in any online environment, synchronous or asynchronous, I felt like we were having a real class discussion that I was guiding and steering. Not only did Class fill the functionality gaps of our existing tool, there were also things that Class did that I hadn’t been doing that I was excited to do,” shares Jenna.

Better breakout discussions

Professors can monitor progress of breakout rooms to ensure students stay on task and engaged.
More centralized resources

Every link or resource students need for class is at the top of the screen, so they don’t have to go find anything.
Easier to track participation

Using the Gold Star feature, Jenna tracks who keeps their camera on during class and rewards their participation at the end of the course.
Automated course reporting

Class automatically measures metrics like how long teachers are talking compared to students, so educators can improve their practice.
The ResultGaining a sense of belonging
By using Class in place of their existing web conferencing software, Motlow State delivered a more meaningful and successful online learning experience for staff and students. In fact, 83% of surveyed Motlow State students said they preferred Class over their previous experience with the web conferencing tool.
“Data tells us that retention and graduation are dependent upon a sense of belonging,” explains Jenna. “And that sense of belonging is not just between the student and the professor. It’s also between the student and their peers. When you’re in an effective synchronous web environment, you get to know your classmates and form friendships and bonds that are going to help carry you forward and keep you invested in being at school.”
With Class, Motlow State is:
Empowering all students to pass
“The modality and the functionality of Class allowed my students, who would have otherwise withdrawn in any prior semester, to remain in the course and succeed. I had no withdrawals, which is bananas, and my course had a 100% pass rate.”
Increasing flexibility for at-risk students
“One of my nontraditional students is a busy mother of two who often has to prioritize other responsibilities. Class and the synchronous online environment gave her enough flexibility to stay enrolled, survive the semester, and earn an A. That made me feel really good about using Class in the future.”
Connecting students across campuses
“Sometimes students and professors are spread out across our four campuses, but Class allows me to combine those students into one course with a face-to-face workshop environment. Students don’t have to commute, and I don’t have four faculty members worrying about low enrollment numbers.”
Ready to see what Class can do for your organization?